Sunday, December 8, 2013

Balance: A Good Place to Stay

Keep yourself balanced!

How do you know what you are doing in your daily life is the right thing for you? Are you getting enough exercise? Are you eating the right diet? How do you know?

Since I started working I have had people asking me over and over, what should I eat to stay healthy? How many miles should I walk/jog/run to stay fit? On and on. My answer is simple let me check you out!

I have told patients in my 3 years of practice not to exercise more than 20 minutes at a time. Has your jaw dropped yet? I have told patients that they should not eat salads. It all depends on their bodies status. For people with an unstable sacro-iliac joint (tailbone region) they should avoid activities that involve impact including intercourse. This is the real deal for some people. No one thinks that it can happen to them but keep an open mind health costs are going up while health status across the country is declining. As I have said in multiple newsletters, “YOU HAVE THE POWER TO STAY HEALTHY!”

Healthy Habits for Life:

Below is a simplified list that you can start using to protect you and your loved ones.

What to Avoid or Restrict

  1. Hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated fats and oils. The process used to make these oils, makes liquid oils more solid. This destroys the nutritional value of the oil and results in the formation of what is called CIS - and trans-fatty acids that become oxidized when exposed to heat and can clog the arteries leading to atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular disease. Use sesame oil, olive oil or coconut oil when cooking. These oils help minimize inflammation.

  2. Processed foods usually contain undesirable chemicals and additives, which may increase the free radical activity, putting extra demand on antioxidant and detoxification systems in the body. If the processing takes heat, then many natural enzymes and vitamins in the food are destroyed.

  3. REFINED CARBOHYDRATES a.k.a. SUGARS. Sugars will affect the blood sugar stability and off-set male and female hormones, shifting the body to produce more fat, and cause weight gain. These compounds, among other negative health effects, are also known to lower the immune response and increase the risk for yeast growth.

  4. Limit or avoid carbonated soft drinks and sodas. These may have a negative effect on the stomach pH balance due to formation of carbonic acid (H2CO3). Soft drinks with high fructose levels can also alter metabolism causing it to run slower. We recommend drinking soft drinks made outside the U.S. such as the Coca-Cola made in Mexico that uses real cane sugar. Or one of my personal favorites is Blood Orange soda which is made in France or Italy. We still highly recommend drinking water. No additives or food coloring added.

Healthy Exercise Routines

Exercise is vital for a healthy body. Physical activity whether it is four miles or around the block is better than nothing. I also recommend for every person to change up their routine weekly. It is best if you can do aerobic and anaerobic routines, static and dynamic movements.

Start slow and gradually increase the pace/intensity in each session without stressing your system. Do NOT over train! Heavy exercise can trigger the formation of free radicals, increase inflammation, and cause other stresses on the body, which in turn can adversely affect the adrenal response and sugar balance. Avoid over training by reducing the intensity of physical activity and giving you enough recovery time between workouts. If you do not know what a good workout routine is for you ask our staff and we will be happy to assist you.

The last tidbit of information that is an understatement  is breathing exercises such as meditation or yoga. Best time to practice these techniques is in the morning, in an open environment preferably outdoors. Breathing exercises help oxygenate the tissues at an optimum level. Deep breathing exercises help maintain healthy blood oxygenation.

For more healthy tips and recommendations schedule an appointment with Dr. Pauline or Dr. Weber to find out what you can do.