Sunday, December 8, 2013

Thyroid - Gut Connection

When was the last time you walked into your doctor’s office and said “I would like my digestive tract assessed because I know my thyroid hormones are out of balance?”

Hippocrates (Image Right) told us 2,000 years ago, “Death begins in the colon.”

How did he know that? 

Did he have like a special antenna that only he could hear or tune into? NO!! He observed the human body and thought logically. When you eat food, it goes in your mouth and down into your gut. Right? (the answer is yes)

What if that salad was not washed right and it still had pesticides on it? What if that steak was improperly cooked and it was infected with E. Coli? I can sit here and write 10,000 what if scenarios but what if you had a properly working digestive system?

Most people don’t, especially those with thyroid issues including hypo- (poor) and hyper- (too much) -thyroidism. All the nutrients, minerals, cofactors, etc. must be digested and absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract. If there is a digestive issue, indigestion, food allergies, diarrhea and/or constipation etc. it means there is an imbalance in the gastrointestinal tract which ultimately causes a loss of stomach acid production, inadequate pH and dysbiosis.

The Thyroid - Gut connection is a very complex an integrated system that should be screened in EVERY thyroid case. The #1 cause worldwide of thyroid hypofunction (hypothyroidism) is iodine deficiency, but it is NOT the #1 cause in the United States. The #1 cause of hypothyroidism in the U.S. is Hashimoto’s autoimmune thyroid. (For more information about autoimmune thyroid consult our office)

To support hypothyroidism or regulate an autoimmune thyroid condition like Hashimoto’s, you must address the digestive tract. Gut dysfunctions are the most commonly overlooked health issue in the medical field today (including alternative care).

Healthy Gut = Healthy Thyroid

The thyroid gland is the gas pedal for the body. When the body's metabolism is running slow, more thyroid hormone is produced to speed up metabolism. When the body’s metabolism is on overdrive, the thyroid will diminish the amount of thyroid produced. The body is a reflex machine, constantly trying to maintain homeostasis or equilibrium. In doing this many mechanisms and pathways are cut short or over used. For example, if you eat fried fatty foods 4 days out of the week, your gallbladder will not like you and will become sluggish and make gallstones.

Did you know with a sluggish gallbladder you minimize your body’s ability to clear hormones including estrogen?

When you remove your gallbladder the cystic duct takes over  the storage of bile.

Every cell in the body has a thyroid receptor, even neurons (cells in the brain). Most people are unaware they have a thyroid issue until they start having issues including but not limited too:

- Fatigue / Sluggish
- Thinning of hair
- Loss of the outer ⅓ of eyebrow
- Cold hands and feet, all over
- Dry skin / flaky
- Difficulty losing weight


The Thyroid - Gut Connection is an invaluable aspect of health that many healthcare providers overlook. The thyroid has a receptor on every cell in the body. The gut digest and absorbs food for every cell in the body. When gastric atrophy occurs, proteins are not properly digested and often become a source of inflammation. With sluggish gallbladder / biliary system the body is not equipped to digest and absorb fats which also affect cholesterol levels, adrenals status, and hormones. The Thyroid - Gut Connection should be assessed on every patient with the above signs and symptoms for preventative health.

For more information on the Thyroid - Gut Connection contact our office through our website Weber Chiropractic or call 916.616.1595.