Monday, August 25, 2014

3 Types of Chiropractors

How many chiropractors have you been too? 

Did your old "Doc" retire? 

Have you been looking to find a doc like your old doctor? How do you know who is right for you? 

There are three different types of chiropractic doctors in practice in this day in age.

  1. Traditional Chiropractor
  2. Medical Chiropractor
  3. Functional Medicine Chiropractor
Neither one of these types of chiropractors are better than the other. It is based on their paradigm of practice. 

"Anatomy, Physiology & Neurology does not change, it only adapts to the stress placed upon it."

1. The Traditional Chiropractor (TC)

The "Traditional Chiropractor" is the truest form of chiropractic in practice today. Chiropractic was founded on the premise that a bone out of place will cause nerve interference which will transition the body into a state of dis-ease (dis-ease - is a hyphenated variation of the word "disease." The term dis-ease is used by individuals and healing communities who are aligned with wellness, choosing not to empower health issues by focusing on a particular ailment. The intent is to place emphasis on the natural state of "ease" being imbalanced or disrupted).

TC's paradigms are generally subluxation based. Subluxation is defined as any vertebral segment not in proper alignment of the above and below segments. Any off-set of these vertebral segments is called a subluxation and will push the body into a state of dis-ease. 

These docs may use ice/hot packs during visits, but rarely use muscle therapies (massage, trigger points, A.R.T., Graston, etc.). These doctors typically do not use electronic muscle stimulating, ultrasound, etc. in their practices. 

Traditional Chiropractor Model:

- Philosophy dictates diagnosis

- Symptoms viewed in terms of philosophy

- Anatomy, Physiology and Neurology conformed to philosophy

- Treatment is based on philosophy 

2. Medical Chiropractor

A "Medical Chiropractor" as I call them are the closest to a medical doctor than the other two. These doctors are highly intelligent but lack confidence in their hands. Generally these doctors practice with instruments to insist in their therapies. 

These doctors are highly organized and meticulous when treating patients. Everything is as specific as possible because their paradigm is condition-based protocols. For instance, if a patient has gastric-reflux (GERD) then thoracic 5 will be adjusted along with cervicals 3, 4, & 5 because of the innervation (phrenic nerve) to the diaphragm which sits right above the stomach and massages it with every breath. 

MC's are great at identifying and diagnosing patients. They typically do not spend a lot of time with their patient's but do offer therapies such as massage, e-stim, and nutrition. 

Medical Chiropractor:

- Symptoms dictate diagnosis

- Symptoms viewed in terms of diagnosis

- Anatomy, Physiology and Neurology conformed to diagnosis

- Treatment is based on diagnosis 

3. Functional Medicine Chiropractor

A "Functional Medicine Chiropractor" utilizes indicators to guide their treatment protocols. Indicators are like jigsaw puzzle pieces which helps the doctor gain a clear clinical picture of the patient's case. 

This type of chiropractic is a blend of the other two types of doctors. This group looks at both symptomology and objective findings (i.e. orthopedic exam, neurological exam, laboratory findings, etc.) to verify treatment protocols. If we take the same example above, patient with gastric-reflux, this group of doctors would look at both physical exam findings along with lab findings and rule-out infectious organism, blood flow to organ, health of tissues, thoracic 5 is balanced along with cervicals 3, 4, & 5. 

Functional Medicine Chiropractor:

- Considers indicators of imbalanced Anatomy, Physiology, and Neurology

- Symptoms viewed in terms of indicators and nutritional deficiencies 

- Indicators of impaired Anatomy, Physiology and Neurology compared to normal Anatomy, Physiology and Neurology

- Chiropractic and Nutritional support is based on presence of indicators

It is important to understand that the way the body works does not change to suit a current philosophy of a disease(s). Neurology, physiology and anatomy in the human body does not change. They have meaning and cannot be ignored or changed to suit a particular philosophy. By understanding the cause, you will understand the effect. Each rationalizes into a procedure that we hope will eliminate the cause of disease and alters the effect back to normal health. 

"By understanding the cause, you will understand the effect."

Who is the best fit for you? 

You as the patient, the one seeking therapy, have the right to know what is going on within your own body. Your doctor should be able to communicate to you why you are having your pains and complaints. They should be able to connect the dots between your lab tests and physical ailments. 

I always remind my patient's that you only have one body of health and it is up to you to keep it. 

Here's to your health!! 

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


The immune system is an amazingly complex group of cells, organs and tissues that work in tandem to keep the body's defenses intact and protected against harm.

The immune system consists of primary and secondary lymphoid organs. Primary lymphoid organs; comprised of bone marrow and thymus, produce immune cells (B and T lymphocytes or white blood cells) which migrate through the bloodstream to reach secondary lymphoid organs. Secondary lymphoid organs; comprised of the lymph nodes, lymphoid tissue, spleen, tonsils, Peyer's patches and the appendix, all play a distinct role in maintaining an effective immune response.

MALT the body's first line of defense

Mucosa-associated lymphatic tissue (MALT) is a system of small concentrations of lymphoid tissue located in various sites of the body and can be found in the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid, lungs, eyes and skin. MALT plays a large role in regulating mucosal immunity as these surfaces provide a barrier between our bodies and the external environment.

Take for instance one of the biggest mucosal sites - the gut. It has the ability to transport many foreign antibodies through the ingestion of food. The immune system inherently has a vigorous response to kill off any pathogenic organisms gaining entry through the gut while retaining food antigens that foster a positive or negative immune response. The gut flora and MALT communicate through cytokine activity to harmonize the appropriate immune response for pathogenic organisms versus friendly organisms.

GALT building good bacteria

Consisting of both isolated and aggregated lymphoid follicles, gut associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) contains up to 70% of the body's immunocytes. Aggregated lymphoid follicles surrounded by follicle associated epithelium (FAE) form the interface between the GALT and the microenvironment. FAE contains M-cells that transport antigens and bacteria toward underlying immune cells that either activate or inhibit an immune response.

GALT is the largest lymphoid tissue of the human body. Beginning at birth, GALT is exposed to microbial antigens occurring in the initial intestinal colonization from vaginal delivery's. This is why it is highly valuable to have normal delivery versus C-section.

A stable colonization of bacteria is typically reached in children at approximately 4 years of age. These bacteria are essential for the development and functionality of a fully functioning and healthy immune system and promotes tolerance towards safe food and microbial antigens.

Photo by Nature Reviews : Immunology

What actions need to be taken to improve MALT & GALT response? What we can do to help your MALT & GALT: 

1. Identify and remove offending agents (i.e. sensitivities, toxins, pathogens)

2. Remove source(s) of inflammation

3. Promote mucosal health throughout your gut

  • Intestinal microflora weighs about 1.5 kgs
  • Approximately 50% of fecal mass is bacterial biomass
  • Microflora produces about 2 liters of 'gas' per day
  • Acquisition of resistance to antibiotics occurs in the intestine  

Enhancing Immune Function with Probiotics

The best way to prevent infections and disease is to ensure that the body's defense mechanisms are functioning optimally and are able to protect against foreign bodies (pathogens). Much research has been reviewed lately in the quest to quantify the benefits of probiotics and studies have shown promising results.

The use of probiotics stimulates gut reaction by pro ducting vitamins, synthesizing amino acids and carrying out biotransformation of bile. Probiotics help to create a defensive barrier within the host as they compete with other microorganisms for attachment sites in epithelial cells.

At any given point, there are anywhere from 100 trillion viable microbes in the human intestine. Specifically, the gut micro biome provides vital biochemical pathways that allow the body to metabolize indigestible foods like starches, gum, cellulose, pectin's, sugars and alcohol. Once the body is able to metabolize and release toxins from the system, absorption of nutrients will be increased resulting in improved cellular function.

Make sure you have a good Probiotic:

  • Must be considered totally non-pathogenic
  • Contain species indigenous to the target host
  • Able to survive intestinal transit and stomach acid
  • Capable of immunomodulation in-vitro
  • Possess clinically documented health properties validated by a thorough Quality Assurance program
  • Colony forming units (CFU) or viable cells are listed on label
  • Formulation should keep well during processing and storage